
Coworking Spain Conference 2018 - What's next?

By coworkingspain

The 7th edition of the Coworking Spain Conference will take place in Madrid on May 17 and 18 in the Impact Hub space.

As we have been progressing through social networks, we have already begun with the preparations for the celebration of the 7th edition of the Coworking Spain Conference , the most important event of Coworking in Spain. The entire team is focused on the preparation of the conference and it is expected to exceed the numbers of attendees from previous years.

Spain continues to be a benchmark of coworking worldwide, which is in third place behind the United States and Germany in number of workspaces, according to the Global Coworking Survey 2017 conducted by Deskmag. In addition, analyzing the data collected by this survey shows the increase of 400,000 coworkers in this past year, a percentage of growth not seen to date. This shows the upward trend of this industry that continues to gain adherents.

“What's Next” , or what is the same, “What is next?” Will be the main focus of the conference. We are facing an already mature sector that is undergoing major changes, such as the entry of large franchises that are changing the rules of the game and are pressing other smaller centers to follow their trends to stay on the crest of the wave. With all these changes we are seeing, what is the next step? The answer to this question will be the key to this year's conference.

We are seeing new generations grow that already see the collaborative economy as something intrinsic to their lives. There are many more people who know and practice this lifestyle than those who do not, even with small daily actions such as sharing a car to go to work. Coworking, on the other hand, has also penetrated our society and many companies are educating their workers in this work philosophy, in order to improve labor relations and increase productivity.

During this 7th edition, there will be the presence of great experts in Coworking and Collaborative Economics who will present their knowledge, experiences and ideas about the reality of the new labor, economic and social models. Marc Navarro, Manuel Zea and Miguel Ángel Calero, will be some of the speakers who will show us the culture of coworking through their experiences and will give us their opinion on the changes that are taking place in this industry and how it will mark the course of operation of collaborative workspaces.

During the two days of the conference, attendees will have the opportunity to get to know first-hand how the Coworking industry has evolved in Spain, as well as the predictions of development for the next few years by experts in the field.

CoworkingSpain is the conference organizer with the Impact Hub and Marc Navarro space.

For more information, visit the CoworkingSpainConference.es website or follow the hashtag #CwSC on Twitter and Instagram.