What is Coworking?

Coworking is a new way of working that allows freelancers, freelancers and start-ups to share space, promote projects and enhance business opportunities.
But Coworking goes much further and it would be appropriate to explain more fully what coworking is, how it works and what advantages it has.
The most complete definition of what Coworking is can be found in wikipedia.
Cooperative work, shared work, Coworking, Flex working is a form of work that allows independent professionals, entrepreneurs, and SMEs from different sectors, to share the same work space, both physical and virtual, to develop their professional projects independently, while promoting joint projects. The "cotrabajo" neologism is the Spanish translation of the term coworking.
Coworkings Spaces allows to share office and equipment, and constitutes a more elaborate proposal than for example cybercafes, environments in which there is also an internet connection.
Cooperative work fosters stable relationships between professionals from different sectors that can lead to new customer-supplier relationships as well as horizontal exchanges and collaboration between co-workers themselves. In any case, a feeling of belonging to a community is often generated, beyond the effective links established between the workers who frequent the work spaces.
Cooperative work centers primarily intended for Internet professionals, designers, programmers, architects, photographers, writers, journalists, and professionals from other disciplines, generally provide an individual desk or sometimes even an office for exclusive or shared use, as well as access to Internet, and other varied services.
Linked to this concept of permanence within a co-working space, the geographical factor has an important but not definitive role in choosing the most appropriate space. The saving of transport time and its associated cost are benefits that the co-worker brings to the users of the area in which their domicile is located.
Coworking offers a solution to the isolation problem that the experience of working at home means for many independent workers, or even micro-enterprises. Today, and after a boom, the spaces of co-work are specializing, for example, particularly focused on women, oriented to creativity and futuristic projects, focused on issues related to energy and the natural environment, etc.