
Interview with Elena Gomis, Glub's engine

By coworkingspain

Today we have the presence of Elena Gomis , manager of Glub, in our magazine and with this article we open a new section of the blog dedicated to know in depth the different coworkings distributed throughout the Spanish geography by the hand of its main engines, the managers . We start!

To start this interview I would like you to clarify us, what role does the figure of the coworking manager play?

Almost like any manager of any other company, it is who contributes or at least on whom the vision depends, the strategy that is implemented and the coworking identity itself.

How does a coworking create an appropriate ecosystem to obtain a faithful coworker community?

I think the first step is to believe what we are, coworking implies flexibility and the entry and exit of coworkers are opportunities for space dynamics. The coworking pulse is measured by its own mutant character. I do not know if we should seek fidelity, I do not believe much in this, My goal is to be a reference space for innovative and solid projects, what the best professionals want to be and share and of course that the occupancy rate remains at one hundred percent .

Has the profile of users who choose to work in collaborative workspaces changed?

In this I continue to see quite a difference between geographical areas, the big capitals enjoy a greater coworking culture than smaller cities, although local corporations continue betting on creating shared work spaces, without content, everywhere. The formula is maintained: the more coworking culture, the more breadth of different user profiles. In any case it is true that the generational and sectoral gap of some today is smaller.

Let's talk about GLub , what is the added value of this center? How have you managed to differentiate yourself from the competition?

The value of Glub is our own identity, we are not only managers, we are project managers, we have a long experience in advertising creativity, marketing and training, in which we are still actively working. We understand Glub as a platform to devise, innovate, transmit, without limits. We capture projects of very different themes, external or internal to the community and collaborate, contribute, help, looking for the best way to make them possible. This is our value and what sets us apart, our core is that we are a coworking with content.

You would tell us some mistakes that you have learned during your years of space management to help other managers not comment on them in their new career.

I start with a phrase that all coworking managers say, it is not an easy money business and the numbers are fair. Therefore we should not assume that our activity is going to be limited to our physical space, this is a mistake, we have to diversify our services. Apart from this, the challenge is to create Community, it is the most difficult. Coworkers don't just want to have a chair and a table, they have to feel and work better than at home. And finally, try to try, even if you have forecasts, there is no single road map and it is the user experience that will determine it, regardless of your vision or your tastes.

Finally, how does a center adapt to the changes that are taking place in the coworking sector?

If something should identify coworking managers, we know how to move in uncertainty and change, so if these big companies do the job of promoting coworking as a global option and for all of us, we have only to be grateful. Coworking is a community, but it is also a network, a large network of professionals who share the same cosmology about managing their time and their work. I think there is room for everyone and that those users who at least prefer comfort to other factors, will continue to prefer options within their environment. Let's not forget that the geostrategic component is very important in our case. With this, I think that the entry of these companies is a great opportunity to learn and be inspired.

So far today's interview. What do you think? Give us your opinion about this new section.