CANJOAN COWORKING, is a space of treball compartit situat to Granollers. An open-air space, for example, compartint am altres professionals. A professional trobada, preparat per rebre clients and suppliers. Disposa d'un study fotogràfic perlogar a room polyvalent per fer reunions, tallers, sherds or esdeveniments that proposis. TREBALLAR IN A COWORKING ESPAI T'ofereix a perfect alternative to treballar from home or to run an office, at the costs involved. Treballar a CANJOAN is forming part of a professional family on sharing projects and inspire you with the feines d'altres companys. Comparting a trekking space, you will be able to save costs and create treball routines. Compartint idees am altres professionals, sorgeixen nous projectes, nous vincles, més visibilitat, and you are always acompanyat. I came to treballar a day of proof, sense compromis, coneix als coworkers and enjoy the ambient bon de l'espai.