
Lexington adds 2,000 square meters of flex offices in its new L'illa Diagonal center

By coworkingspain

This operation allows the company to have a space in the heart of the CBD of Barcelona, in a strategic location for its clients

Barcelona – January 9, 2023 – The flexible workspace company Lexington has rented 2,080 square meters of offices in L'illa Diagonal to establish its new location in Barcelona.

Specifically, Lexington has rented the 4th and 5th floor of the building, measuring 1,040 square meters each and owned by a Catalan family office . The property is currently undergoing a reform process to adapt to market standards, which is scheduled to end in the first half of 2023.

The flexible workspace company, specialized in meeting the office demands of corporate clients, has four centers in Madrid, located at Castellana 141, Castellana 79, La Moraleja and Príncipe de Vergara 132. In Barcelona, Lexington also has another flex space in the renowned Trade buildings. See all Lexington spaces.

“For us it was essential to expand our model of flexible spaces in Barcelona. With this new opening, we start 2023 with 16,200 square meters in operation and with forecasts of reaching 20,000 at the end of the year” , said the CEO of Lexington, David Vega .

“L'illa Diagonal is an emblematic building in Barcelona, located in the heart of the Central Business District (CBD), a strategic area for the company. This location will allow Lexington to continue attracting its main clients, large corporations primarily interested in a good location. In addition, this operation increases the supply of quality flexible spaces in this area, which has been scarce until now” , assured Jesús Hidalgo, Associate Director Advisory & Transaction Services at CBRE in Barcelona.

The occupation of flexible spaces in Barcelona has reached 85% in the third quarter of 2022, with an increase of 15 basis points compared to 2021. Currently, Barcelona has a flex stock of 212,000 square meters, with a total of 21,200 positions of work. This year, flexible spaces have increased their presence in Barcelona, going from 2.7% in 2021 to the current 3.3%, and they have also maintained a positive hiring trend.